Is your current moisturizer cream really is the best natural skin care? Discover the truth

The word natural is a popular buzzword these days, often overworked and placed on a variety of products for skin and beauty. However, just because a lotion or cream with a handful of natural ingredients does not mean it's really one of the best creams available.

The truth is, many creams often contain additives that are unhealthy for the skin and are often considered pollutants.

Alcohols, for example, a popular additive in moisturizers, creams and lotions. ingredients alcohol Unfortunately, the most popular, such as methanol or ethanol are extremely dry skin, which makes your skin susceptible to bacteria.

Another popular ingredient is the addition of mineral oil in many creams. Are cheap and widely used. In the long run, however, mineral oil clogs the pores and makes it difficult for the skin to breathe and yourself from a variety of toxins that can cause problems such as acne discard.

So what is a really effective natural best skin care cream contain? No harmful ingredients, such as those above, certainly. Instead, there are natural additions that were demonstrated by studies and clinical trials to be really useful.

One of the key components of our skin needs youthful is collagen. However, the collagen breaks down over time, creating sagging and wrinkles that we associate with aging.

Many lotions and creams contain collagen, but in itself is not an ingredient that is useful for two reasons. First we need something that our natural production of collagen will therefore encourage the addition of collagen not outside. And, secondly, the molecules themselves are too large to actually penetrate the skin.

Fortunately there are some elements of good creams that stimulate our own collagen to grow. It is Cynergy TK has been demonstrated in clinical trials to increase elasticity and firmness. Another ingredient is effective Phytessence wakame, a seaweed which helps our skin health by removing harmful materials that weakened collagen.

Remember, apart from all the marketing hype, and discover the truth about what is a natural moisturizer, you will go into a much better position to receive the products really benefit your skin now.

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